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Replace User

The user you wish to replace.
The user you wish to be responsible from now on.

By submitting this form you will change the responsiblities of the "Old User" and assign them to the "new User". This process will change all occurences in every entry and list of the COMSTACK. Once submitted, this process can not be stopped or reversed.

What's about the colors?

The COMSTACK is used to store all information needed to ensure trouble-free communication between all involved partners. In case of an incident the COMSTACK is our entry point to provide the best support possible.

To verify the quality of our data, we decided to classfiy the stored requests in four different categories.

Mandatory fields

Information we need to get in contact with the people responsible for the data transfer and setup the transfer initially. These fields are usually filled by the sender of the data.

Missing Details

Those details make it easier to troubleshoot in case of an incident. Fields in this category are also used to classify the importance of the data transfer.

Review needed

Every information we need is provided. However, responsibilities can change and sometimes informations are not updated accordingly. Requests you are responsible for should be reviewed at least every six months.

Everything O.K.

Lean back and grab a beer. Everything we need is provided and up-to-date.

In general, the sender is considered accountable for the topicality of the data stored in the COMSTACK. To reflect this responsibility, you can apply certain filters on the Overview page.

Please fill all required fields.